№ 1 (99) 2023
Valery Berezin (Doctor habilitatus in Arts studies, Professor, Moscow Conservatory). Muzyka i balet v vospitanii Ljudovika XIV / Music and Ballet in the Education of Louis XIV
The article describes how artistic tastes of the king were formed in his childhood and youth through music and ballet. The author notes an important role of Cardinal Mazarin and Queen Anne of Austria in Louis XIV’s education. The article contains information about the royal teachers of music and dance. The memoirs of contemporaries, historical documents, scholarly materials in music history are also given. A lot of information is published for the first time in Russia.
Keywords: Louis XIV; music; ballet; musical education; French Baroque music.
Elena Kruglowa (PhD in Arts studies, Professor, The State Musical Pedagogical Institute named after M. M. Ippolitov-Ivanov, Moscow). Solfeggio Porpory kak instruktivnyj material dlja sozdanija improvizatsij v starinnyh arijah / Porpora’s Solfeggi as Instructive Material for Improvisations in Baroque Arias
The article deals with the actual problems of performing vocal ornamentation and improvisation based on the Italian solfeggios of the 18th century, and above all Porpora's solfeggios. The melodic formulas used in such compositions allowed the singers to achieve flexibility and coloratura mobility in their voice and at the same time accumulate in their memory typical melodic turns for their own improvisations in the performed arias. The article contains various opinions of the greatest masters of Baroque vocal pedagogy. For the first time in musicology, the author analyzed samples of Italian solfeggio of the 18th century in terms of using them to teach singers the art of improvisation.
Keywords: Baroque era; Nicola Porpora; vocal pedagogy; vocal exercises; solfeggio; vocalizations; vocal ornamentation; improvisation.
Maria Bazilevich (PhD in Arts studies, Assistant Professor, Tyumen State Institute of Culture). Interpretatsija legendy o Don Juane v opere F. Gerolda “Zampa, ili Mramornaja nevesta” / Interpretation of the Legend about Don Juan in F. Hérold’s “Zampa ou la Fiancée de Marbre”
The article deals with the problem of musical interpretation of the legend about Don Juan in F. Hérold’s Zampa ou la Fiancée de Marbre composed in form of French opéra-comique. The materials of the study were music and libretto of the opera, Herold’s biography and foreign and Russian studies on the history of French opera. The author believes that the main idea and the plot of the famous legend can be traced not only in the libretto of the opera, but also in its musical dramaturgy and expressive means to create musical images. Originally and popularity of the opera are due to the continuation of the traditions of Mozart's Don Giovanni and the individuality of the author’s style united various musical influences in accordance of aesthetics principles of musical Romanticism. It could be argued that Zampa ou la Fiancée de Marbre made a significant contribution to the development of French opera in the 19th century.
Keywords: Ferdinand Hérold; Zampa ou la Fiancée de Marbre; opera-comique; Don Juan; musical interpretation.
Abstracts and Keywords (p. 32)