№ 2 (92) 2021

Valery Berezin (Moscow). Muzyka korolej Frantsii vo vtoroj polovine XVIII veka: poslednie reformy / Music of French Kings in the second half of the 18th century: the final reforms

The article describes the reasons and content of the reforms of the court music of French kings in the second half of the 18th century, based on the royal edicts of 1761 and 1782. The author also offers a commented translation of these documents with minor cuts.

Keywords: French music; Louis XV, Louis XVI; Royal musicians; La Chapelle; La Chambre du Roy.


Yuri Bocharov (Moscow). Simfonia v kontekste muzykal’noj terminologii XVI – pervoj poloviny XVIII veka / Sinfonia in the context of musical terminology from the 16th to the mid-18th century

The article is focuses on the use of sinfonia as term during the Late Renaissance and the Baroque era. The results of the study of numerous musical sources proper, as well as the largest European dictionaries of that time, indicate numerous differences in the use of this term, especially in relation to various kinds of musical compositions. And the options can be very different in the range from a generalized idea of ​​a musical piece to a very specific genre name. At the same time, specific cases of its application directly depended on the diverse circumstances of the musical and historical context.

Keywords: sinfonia; instrumental music; opera; music genre; the Baroque era; musical sources.


Marina Zhangaulova and Mikhail Saponov (Moscow). Baletnyj manifest Gasparo Andzholini / Ballet manifesto by Gasparo Angiolini

This publication consists of an introductory article and a commented Russian translation of Gasparo Angiolini’s Program for Le Festin de Pierre. Its original text, which also contains a libretto, was published in French for the premiere of this ballet with music by Chr. W. Gluck in Vienna’s Burgtheater in 1761 (later that year its German version was printed). The Program contains also such an expressive discourse in support of the dramatic pas d’action ideas, that may be clear evidence for the choreographer’s authorship.

Keywords: Gasparo Angiolini; Christoph Willibald Gluck; Ranieri de’Calzabigi; Jean-George Noverre; ballet d’action; pantomime; ballet reform.


Anna Nedospasova (Novosibirsk) and Alexander Baiunov (Moscow). Clavisimbalum Anri Arno: opyt rekonstruktsii / Clavisimbalum by Henri Arnaut de Zwolle: reconstruction experience

The article contains information about an early, non-preserved form of the 15th century harpsichord called "clavisimbalum". The authors describe the intended field of application of the instrument and its repertoire. They also describe the successful experience of reconstruction of this early keyboard instrument, based on the materials  from the Manuscript of  Henri Arnaut de Zwolle. This reconstruction was first carried out in Russia.

Keywords: сlavisimbalum; Henry Arnaut de Zwolle; keyboard instruments; reconstruction.