№ 4 (90) 2020

Yuri Bocharov (Moscow). Tombeau v instrumental’noj muzyke epokhi barokko / Tombeau in instrumental music of the Baroque era (pp. 1–10)

The article focuses mainly on baroque instrumental compositions of a memorial character by composers of France and the Holy Roman Empire of the 17th and first half of the 18th century. The author regards these works as a very specific genre called tombeau. He also briefly traces the tradition of making musical tombeaux in post-Baroque times, with particular attention to its revival in 20th century music.

Keywords: tombeau; Baroque era; instrumental music; lute music sources; compositions for bass viol; harpsichord music.


Pavel Luzker (Moscow). “Dzhirello” Jacopo Melani – zabytyj opernyj shedevr XVII veka / Jacopo Melani’s Il Girello: a forgotten opera masterpiece of the 17th century

The author focuses on Jacopo Melani’s opera Il Girello, which have a special place in the history of Italian musical theater. Its production in 1668 opened a new stage in the development of the Roman opera tradition. Melani’s Florentine experience, librettist Acciaiuoli’s interest in puppet theatre, as well as the involvement of the commedia dell’arte troupe in this production led to the predominance of comic poetics in the performance. The originality of the composition is also determined by the numerous political allusions to the topic of the day, as well as the special burlesque expressiveness of images and the maturity of musical compositional decisions.

Keywords: Il Girello; Jacopo Melani; Filippo Acciaiuoli; Roman opera in the 17th century; baroque musical theatre.


Alexey Panov, Ivan Rozanoff (Saint Pertersburg). Virginal – k probleme definitsii termina / Virginal – to the problem of the definition of the term

The article is devoted to the problems of interpretation of the term virginal, as well as a number of other names of keyboard-stringed musical instruments in the works of early musicians (S. Virdung, M. Agricola, O. Luscinius, M. Mersenne, J. de Muris, Paulirinus from Prague, M. Praetorius), in English reference and encyclopedic literature of the 17th century and in modern scholarly literature.

Keywords: virginal; England; early music; musical terminology; organology; keyboard-stringed musical instruments.


Aleksandra Alexandrina, Anna Bulycheva (Moscow). Vsenoschnoe bdenie Vasiliya Titova kak “kollektivnoe” sochinenie / All-Night Vigil by Vasily Titov as a “collective” work

The article deals with the All-Night Vigil a 12 by Vasily Titov (circa 1650–after 1711), the greatest Russian Baroque composer. Twelve surviving manuscript copies of this work are compared, containing a total of 21 hymns. Comparison of the frequency of their appearance in sources of different times, as well as stylistic analysis show that Titov most likely was the author of eight hymns only. Twelve new hymns added by unknown scribes after Titov’s death are anonymous, and the Psalm Bless, my soul, the Lord belongs to another author – Andrei Gavrilov, Protodeacon of Rostov.

Keywords: Vasily Titov; All-Night Vigil; partes style; Russian Baroque; collective authorship.