№ 2 (88) 2020

Mikhail Saponov (Moscow). Lyubekskij probel v biografii J. S. Bakha: predposylki i posledstviya / The Lubeck lacuna in Johann Sebastian Bach’s biography: background and implication (pp. 1–14)

The documentary sources concerning the data of Johann Sebastian Bach’s early years (1705–1706) are taken into consideration anew in order to discuss circumstances preceding and following the composer’s well known pilgrimage from Arnstadt to Lubeck and, on the other hand, his alleged intention as declared in the obituary of 1754, to go deeply and listen more attentively (zubehorchen) to Dietrich Buxtehude’s organ playing. Some necessary corrections are undertaken in the course of consideration of Bach’s purpose “to adopt (zubegreiffen) something for his art”. New interpretation of the well-known expression “Zippel Fagottist” is suggested according to 18th-century school-slang glossaries. The article contains also some new translations of Bach sources.

Keywords: Johann Sebastian Bach; Buxtehude; Geyersbach; biographical source studies; Lubeck; Zippel-Fagottist; north German organ tradition.

Yuri Bocharov (Moscow). K voprosu o makrostrukturakh v instrumental’noj muzyke epokhi barokko / Macrostructures in Baroque instrumental music (pp. 15–25)

The article focuses on structures of collections of instrumental works in the Baroque era. The author introduces and argues the concepts of baroque opus and macrostructure. He also gives a typology of macrostructures.

Keywords: Baroque; instrumental music; opus; macrostructure; typology of musical forms.

Alexei Panov, Ivan Rozanoff (St Petersburg). Ot klavira k pianoforte. Postanovka ruk i posadka za instrumentom v poslednej treti XVIII – nachale XIX veka / From the Clavier to Pianoforte. On the setting of the hands and toucher in the last third of the 18th and early 19th centuries (pp. 26–40)

The article discusses the recommendations of G. S. Löhlein, N. Pasquali, J. S. Petri, D. G. Türk, and others, regarding the proper position of hands and the touch in playing the clavier and pianoforte. The paper contains a critical revision of Russian and English translations of historical sources.

Keywords: clavier; pianoforte; historically informed performance practice; G. S. Löhlein; N. Pasquali; J. S. Petri; D. G. Türk; touch; setting the hands.