№ 1 (87) 2020

Valery Berezin (Moscow). Kratkoe zhizneopisanie znamenitogo kompositora Mishelya-Rishara Delalanda, sostavlennoe ego pochitatelem po vospominaniyam i documentam trista let spustya / A brief biography of the famous composer Michel-Richard Delaland, compiled by his admirer from memoirs and documents three hundred years later (pp. 1–11)

A brief biography of Michel-Richard Delalandе is a tribute to the outstanding composer, the head of the Chapel and Chamber
music of Louis XIV, author of about 80 large motets, numerous orchestral works and ballets. Delalande came from lower social
strata, but the king loved his talented musician and always recognized his talent and achievements. This essay is one of the first
publications about Delalande in Russian.

Keywords: Delalande; Chapelle; sous-maître; Louis XIV; French Baroque music.

Alexei Panov, Ivan Rozanoff (St Petersburg). O postanovke ruk i tushe klaviristov vremen K. Ph. E. Bacha / On the setting of the hands and toucher of the German clavierists of C. P. E. Bach’s era (pp. 12–19)

The article discusses the recommendations of C. P. E. Bach, F. W. Marpurg, G. F. Wolf, and others, regarding the proper position of hands and the Clavier touch in playing on this instrument. The paper contains a critical revision of Russian and English translations of historical sources. Numerous inaccuracies found in the works of modern scholars who deal with the explanation of performance instructions recommended by the German clavierists have been shown and considered.

Keywords: Clavier; historically informed performance practice; C. Ph. E. Bach; F. W. Marpurg; G. F. Wolf; touch; setting the hands.

Irina Kryazheva (Moscow). Muzyka na sluzhbe vlasti: ispanskie korolevskie kapelly v XVI veke / Music in the service of power: the Spanish royal chapels in the 16th century (pp. 20–25)

The article discusses the nature of the functioning of court chapels in Spain in the 16th century. The significance of this musical institute is due to a number of factors, both artistic and aesthetic, as well as political. The task of the chapel musicians was related to the formation of an elevated image of power. In the process of creating the special status of the chapel, a significant role was played by the influence of the Flemish traditions, which gained dominant importance during the reign of the Spanish Habsburgs – Charles V and Philip II.

Keywords: Renaissance; Spainisg royal court; court chapel; Charles V; Philip II.

Vladislav Devutsky, Natella Kazarian (Voronezh). Bach or Gesualdo? (pp. 26–35)

The article discusses three historically important directions in the formation of the European high-altitude system, the personified by the work of Giovanni Palestrina (diatonic, natural harmony), Heinrich Isaac and Orlando Lasso (the formation of elements of the tonal-functional organization), as well as Cipriano de Rore, Nicola Vicentino, Luca Marenzio, Carlo Gesualdo (free-chromatic, hyperchromatic system). The methods of analysis of hyperchromatic harmony in the madrigals of Carlo Gesualdo are shown.

Keywords: Palestrina; Gesualdo; Bach; harmony; tonality; madrigal.