№ 4 (74) 2016

Anna Nedospasova (Novosibirsk). O vklade Petra Velikogo v razvitie otechesvennoj instrumental’noj muzyki / About Piter the Great’s contribution to development of Russian instrumental music (рр. 1–7)

Peter I’s activity aimed at the development in Russia of instrumental music is covered in the article, data on formation of military ensembles, playing music at court, in private life are submitted. Appearance of captured Swedish musicians in Russia during the Great Northern war accelerated process of assimilation of the European musical traditions. One of them, Gustav Blidström created the musical manuscript known nowadays as "The Tobolsk manuscript". This unique monument contains the works sounding in Siberia in the first half of the 18th century.

Key words: Peter the Great; Russian instrumental music; military music; Gustaf Blidström; Tobolsky manuscript.


Yury Bocharov (Moscow). Anglijskie suity J. S. Bacha: stranitsy istorii / J. S. Bach’s English Suites: a history of creation of the work (рр. 8–15)

The English suites is a famous clavier work of J. S. Bach. But there is no consensus in musicology about where and when these suites were written. The author offers new version of chronology. In his opinion, Bach wrote the most part of English suites in Köten in 1721. Possibly, at the beginning of 1722 process of composition was unexpectedly interrupted. And the English suites received the traditional structure only in Leipzig (at the end of 1723 – the beginning of 1724).

Key words: J. S. Bach; English suites; clavier music; Baroque.


Elena Wjaskova (Moscow). Oshibka J. S. Bacha ili A. Schweitzera? (O roli duetov v “Clavierübung III”) / J. S. Bach or A. Schweitzer’s mistake? (About a role of the duets in “Clavierübung III”) (рр. 16–23)

The article is devoted to the Third part of Clavierübung, one of late Bach’s compositions which is still a point of hot discussions in musicological researches. The author argues that this work has to be considered as a cycle and the Duettos add necessary factors to the unity of composition.

Key words: J. S. Bach; Clavierübung; duetto; fugue; composition.


Galina Petrova (St. Petersburg). Kamernye utra v Petrishule: polemika (po stranitsam Sankt-Petersburgische Zeitung, 1847–1848) / Chamber matinées at Petrischule: a polemic overview (through the pages of Sankt-Petersburgische Zeitung, 1847–1848) (рр. 24–28)

The paper looks at the history of first chamber music gatherings, organized by violinist Henri Vieuxtemps and cellist Johann B. Groß as well as other musicians, analyzing the repertory that allowed for the address of new performance objectives and the consideration of musical aesthetics. The author emphasizes the fact that chamber music gatherings laid the foundations for creating the corps of the music community, outside the norms and restrictions of the ecclesiastical calendar, and the needs of the Directorate of the Imperial theatres, and salons, focusing instead solely on the art of music.

Key words: H. Vieuxtemps; J.B. Groß; public chamber matinées; musical repertoire; musical criticism.


Anastasiya Syreishchikova (Moscow). O russkom angagemente Berlioza: iz arhivov Russkogo muzykal’nogo obshchestva / Hector Berlioz’s Russian tour (1867): New details from the archives of the Russian Musical Society (рр. 29–39)

This article focuses on the planning and organization of Hector Berlioz’s 1867 concert tour in St. Petersburg. It presents and analyzes hitherto unpublished documents related to Berlioz’s engagement by the Russian Musical Society, held in the archival collection of that organization at the Central State Historical Archive in St. Petersburg. The author reconstitutes the sequence of events and provides dates, translations into Russian and analyses of various letters, telegrams and other archival documents. The article sheds light on the way the programs Berlioz produced in 1867–1868 were developed, and compares the draft and final versions of these programs based on archival materials from the Balakirev collection at the Russian National Library. The appendix to this article provides the first Russian translation of a hitherto unknown letter from Vasili Kologrivoff to Berlioz, as well as Berlioz’s response.

Key words: Hector Berlioz; Russian Musical Society; Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna of Russia; Vasili Kologrivoff; concert tour; letters; archive.